How to Play Poker
In the game of poker, players take turns dealing cards to each other in a rotating fashion. The cards are dealt face up until a jack appears, and then the player who is dealt the jack becomes the dealer. The turn to deal and bet passes from one player to another, with the dealer’s turn being last. Any player may shuffle the deck, with the dealer being the last to do so. Each player may discard one, two or three cards in order to improve the rank of his or her hand.
The first step is to establish the hand you’re holding. Poker hands are made up of five cards of the same rank. If the hands are too weak, you may fold. The only exception is if the player has a weak hand, such as a four of a kind or a different pair of cards. In the second step, you need to determine whether you’re a strong or weak hand. A good hand consists of all five cards of the same rank or a pair of higher cards.
The next step in determining the odds of winning a hand is to make a full house. A full house is a colorful hand of three of the same rank and two cards of a lower rank. A full house, for example, would consist of three eights, two fours, and a six. Other poker hands include a flush, which is five of a kind in any suit. A straight is a combination of three cards of different ranks, and is the highest hand in the game.